Yes, I know, it is shameful, fancy having these ratty old boots sitting in the porch for so long getting cruddier and cruddier. This is not a proud moment, I bow my head in shame…..
You will be thrilled (nay, amazed) to know I have done something about this dreadful situation. Yes ladies, I have cleaned my boots – with a potato!
How to clean shoes naturally, with a potato!
First dust off the dry muck from the boots and wipe over with a damp cloth, then simply slice a potato in half, utter the magic words – whizzwopwoohoobingbang (oh, okay you don’t have to say that but it does add the the experience and gives the kids a laugh if you are not alone while doing this. Then all you have to do is rub the cut side of that potato all over the leather. Leave to dry and buff with a dry cloth.
Here is the traditional Before & After shot. Boot on right (beside potato) has been done and the other awaits its tattie treat.
Karon x
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