It’s that time of year again – the lavender harvest. Actually it is the ‘everything’ harvest just now, and the kitchen, HQ, diningroom, spare bedroom, and just about anywhere else is being used as a place to dry herbs.
Last week it was lavender. Lovely lavender everywhere and smelling divine. Only one snag, the cutting is easy, the sorting, bundling and tying is just so time consuming.
The weather has been wonderful round these parts. I’ve been able to sit outside with my piles of lavender, balls of post office rubber bands and trusty strong scissors – all the tools of the herb dryers trade.
Movements becoming more ecconomical with each bundle made, mind going into drift mode where thoughts just come and go. Ideas occur, and then sadly drift off as I haven’t thought to have a pen and paper nearby to jot things down.
Don’t you just hate that. An idea strikes you, any thought really, seems so important at the time and you are convinced that it is of course so important that you will remember it, at least until you reach the pen and paper stage. Alas no, your brain has filtered it out long before you can save it for posterity or at least on a post it pad.
Maybe I should pop an elastic band round my wrist and hope that having it there would remind me that there was meant to be something on my mind. Bit like the old ‘tie a knot in a hanky’ as a memo . How do these things work? If I don’t write down exactly what I am trying to remember I have no chance at all of remembering it. Even writing a single word note doesn’t really do it for me. I could find myself staring blankly at a post-it with a one word note and just wonder what on earth I wrote that for.
Oh dear maybe it is an age thing, maybe this is senior moments overwhelming me in everyday life. I am surrounded by post-its and notebooks. Marks and memos, aide memoire to get me through the day, and I still forget what I am meant to be doing.
Ah yes, writing about the lavender harvest. Think I’ll do a ‘Hands On’ post of drying lavender, that way everyone can remember……..
Karon x
Gosh, do I identify with your comments about thoughts you are sure you will remember etc. Really laughed and it’s wonderful to read about someone similar to me!!