Today on the radio show I’m not making any gifts, ornaments or booze, instead I’m talking about putting together a Christmas Crisi Kit for home and health to deal with all those nasty little mishaps which can happen any time but always seem more in your face and happening at this time of year when there are lots of people around and nerves are maybe just a tad frayed already.
The Christmas Crisis Kit For Home And Health
Keep this handy kit ready to deal with anything that might crop up.
Lavender essential oil;
Use for minor burns and scalds plus and cuts and brueses too. Use to sooth a headache by rubbing a little gently on the temples with tips of fingers. Use in bath to relax at end of the day. Put a few drops into molten candle wax to chill yourself out.
Old white towel or cloth nappy and Soda Water;
Use to soak up spilt wine by adding the soda water and then blotting on stain working from the outside towards the centre.
Must be a white towel as anything coloured could add dye to the mess already there!
White Vinegar;
For stubborn wine stains use this to sponge on afterwords to remove any colour residue, remember white towel/cloth only.
Dried Mint;
Use a teaspoon of this to make a cup of mint tea to sooth an upset tummy or bloating after too much rich food.
A Brazil nut;
for getting rid of drink rings on your wooden furniture. Just break open the nut and half it and rub the flesh on the white mark and watch it vanish.
Baking Soda (Bicarbonate of soda);
great for soaking up any greasy marks on carpet, furniture or table cloth. Sprinkle on, let it absorb the mark and brush/hoover off.
(again) for upset tummy; just use 2 teaspoons to 50ml water.
Great for a hangover. Try to eat 2 first thing in the morning.
Tomato juice ;
is great for a hangover too, blend 600ml tomato juice with 2 small red chillies and a dash of soy sauce. Keep sipping this throughout the day. It is full of natural pain killers to ease the sore head and sooth the stomach lining.
So there you have it, an easy to put together Christmas Crisis Kit for Home and Health to deal with almost anything the festive season can throw at you.
Karon x
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