Valentine’s Day, aah how sweet for all those loved up couples out there gleefully buying up armfuls of overpriced red roses, cutesy chocolates, gallons of champagne and anything remotely heart shaped or crammed into a box that shape, oh and it helps if these things are red too.
Not all of us are in this twosome boat so here are my Top Ten Tips for us Single Survivors of this wondrous day;
1. GIFT; Yes you too deserve a gift on Valentine’s Day so treat yourself to something no matter how small that you fancy today.
2. DANCE; Alone in the kitchen to your fav music on the radio. Or dig something out on your CD player or ipod. Just go for it and let rip. So you feel silly at first, by the time the track has finished you will feel great!
3. UPGRADE; Don’t scrimp today, if you usually buy the budget brand of something upgrade yourself to a named brand just because you’re worth it!
4. DRINK; lots of water all day, your skin will really benefit, yoou’ll eat less because you will feel fuller and you’ll feel calmer too. Now in the evening sip the best wine you can afford and enjoy every minute of it.
5. DINE; Set a proper place setting for dinner tonight, even if you are using a tray. Use your good china and that crystal glass you keep ‘for best’. Use a napkin and even have a flower on the table or light a candle. Dinner should be a treat and not just filling your face like an animal at a trough.
6. OIL MAGNATE; Think aromatherapy here, not a tin of sardines or oil wells. Get some lavender oil as a good all-rounder. Light a plain candle and allow a pool of wax to form and then add a couple of drops of lavender oil to help you relax and chill out. Use 3 drops in your bath water too and you’ll have a great night’s sleep.
7. LEAVE; The past (especially loves) behind. Stop hanging on to thoughts and possibly hopes about a lost love or old flame, let them go so you can mentally and emotionally free yourself up for a new adventure. Put down that old baggage and you’ll be able to move forward a lot faster.
8. WRITE; Your hopes and dreams out on paper. Make a Madcap List of all the things you’d really like in life, all the big things and the small things and those right off the scale wonderful dreams. Getting them down on paper is the first step to making things happen. Just getting them out of your head is a great start.
9. CHALLENGE; Those negative thoughts that we all have. Stop yourself for a moment the minute one hits you, doesn’t matter how insignificant it seems, just stop and let yourself rethink it. Does it have to be so negative? Just taking the tiny time to do this can make a big difference.
10. PAT: Yourself on the back for everything you have managed to do today (and everyday from now on), even the smallest thing is an achievement and we never congratulate ourselves enough for what we do, yet we are all really quick to criticise ourselves and ladle on the guilt for mistakes. Show yourself some appreciation.
All of these little things add up to one great big thing – LOVE. Fall in love with yourself today and treat yourself really, really well. How many of us do that for ourselves?
So whether you are single or in a long term relationship spare a thought for how you feel about yourself and not just what someone else feels about you and what you feel for anyone else.
Love Ya!
Karon x
A brilliant post, Happy Valentines Day Karon, have a wonderful day, take some of your own advice, it’s very good 🙂
Sue xx
Have a great Valentine’s Day! Hope you and Idgy had a good one.
Patti xxxxxooooo
Happy Valentine’s Day – there’s loads of love in your house. Those creatures are positively brimming over with love – and that’s just the 2-legged ones! I’ve been feeling dreadful today – flu-like virus or something. Himself hadn’t been able to get out before today, so he wouldn’t open his card until he’d been into town to buy mine – and a new mug covered in hearts! I finished a quilt last night, so I gave him that – it is special and I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather give it to!! Have a lovely weekend.
Quilts and heart mugs, that just sounds so comforting, I love it.
Great advice – I’ve printed it out to give to the girls at church that I teach…they are all 17 and they need this advice as much as I DO!! xoxo, Nan
I plan to make myself a nice meal and enjoy the evening. Too much negativity in the world so I’m adding a big portion of love and positive thoughts to the mix. I don’t feel lonely at all. I’ve got my faithful joy-bug Rocky, my canine companion, to share in the happiness of the day and everyday. Love to all!
Enjoy your evening