Ah the joys of summer, windows thrown open and the heady scent of lavender wafting throughout the house.
Hmmm yes it should be, but alas here in the UK we are having the wettest summer on record and windows are firmly shut against the onslaught of wind and rain.
If your house doesn’t have that summer fresh fragrance you would have hoped for, and is possibly bearing more than a passing resemblance to a kennel in the scent department due to wet dog/cat and pet hair, panic not! Here is a handy trick to bring the outdoors in, debug your carpets and make the whole house smell wonderful – what’s more it is totally natural, does not plug into the wall, puff out rainforest inspired chemical goo and give you a nasty headache.
How To Freshen Floors Naturally;
Simply take a box of Baking Soda (Bicarbonate Of Soda) and tip it into a big jar with a handful of dried mint, rosemary ( store bought packets will do) and also lavender. You can use essential oils if you can’t get the herbs. Just use 10 drops of each.
Seal the jar and give it a really good shake. Leave it overnight to let the herbs mix thoroughly with the Bicarb.
Sprinkle this all over your carpet or rug in the manner of the old Shake’n’Vac ad from the 1970s if you can remember that far back (alas I can more is the pity!), feel free to sing the dreadful jingle too, it all passes the time.
Anyway leave the herby powder on your rug either for a couple of hours or better still overnight.
Hoover it up.
Your floor will be cleaner and a whole lot fresher. This will also help deter those pesky fleas, ticks and other nasty little bugs that are so fond of our pets at this time of year.
So when the weather isn’t playing summer outside, at least you can freshen floors naturally and the house can smell like a garden inside.
Karon x
I love the sound of this! Must do it soon!!! x
Does it have to be dried herbs? I have fresh mint and rosemary. Can I use them???
Hi betty,
Yes use that lovely fresh rosemary you have there. Break off the needles and toss it into your food processor to really chop it finely and release those magical oils. Add the bicarb into the processor to really blend well just for one quick whizz. Now use this on the rug. It will smell wonderful and be full of great beneficial antibacterials. If you don’t have a food processor just chop really finely and then put in big jar with the bicarb and shake like mad.
All best